Monday 5 November 2012

new riot girl

Dzis ciocia zostala kolejna  prawdziwa ciocia!!!
Coz za uroczy poczatek tygodnia! Wiem, ze kolejna Dziewczyna przyszla na swiat o godzinie 10 rano. Rodzina czuje sie dobrze. Nie moge jeszcze przekazac ile malenstwo mierzy itp ani jakie Jej imie!
Zycze aby Mala byla delikatna jak Natalie Portman i miala odwage jak jej bohaterka Evey. By cale zycie skladalo sie z wybuchow fajerwerkow. Szlachetnosci jak V i milosci jaka miala Valerie.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
the Gunpowder Treason and Plot,

I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent to blow up King and Parliament.

Three score barrels were laid below to prove old England’s overthrow;
By God’s mercy he was catch’d with a dark lantern and lighted match.

Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!

Hip hip hoorah!

However there is a second verse, one that is totally unsuitable for this Politically Correct society in which we live.

A penny loaf to feed the Pope
A farthing o’ cheese to choke him.

A pint of beer to rinse it down.
A ****** of sticks to burn him.

Burn him in a tub of tar.
Burn him like a blazing star.

Burn his body from his head.
Then we’ll say ol’ Pope is dead.

Hip hip hoorah!
Hip hip hoorah hoorah!
Best Wishes for My  Revolution Girl
Dzis obrazek swieto Anonimowych. Kolejna rocznica wybuchu parlamentu w Londynie. Materialy wybuchowe podlozyl niejaki Guy Hawkes. Swietuje to sie to strasznie wkurwiajac ciocie ciaglym swistem i gwizdem i wybuchami fajerwerkow. Coz trudno! Co robic.
Na koniec dedykuje flagowy utwor pochodzacy z filmu V for Vendetta- Cry My a River- Julie London. Tak sie nazywa ta Pani, a ze plot londynski, tam sie wkradl to coz???

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