Friday 12 August 2016

sputnik kremlowska propaganda ze swiadkami wyladowal w Edynburgu

Edynburg miasto kultury. Festiwali. Stolica. Mila przestrzen. Cudowne widoki. Piekne zabytki. Przepiekny klimat. Do czasu. Rosyjska agencja znalazla srodek na zaburzenie tego ukladu. Kreml wpierdolil sie do miasta. Nie moge innego uzyc innego slowa.  Rosyjska propaganda wynajela przestrzen i bedzie nadawac inna czasoprzestrzen. Podkupywac mlodych ludzi by siali propagande. Dzieci sie ciesza, bo i kasa i kariera. Robota no dobra, bo telewizja i radio. Swietlana przyszlosc. Chuj z tym co beda nadawac!
Wazne, zeby sie krecilo. 
Kreml bedzie ludzi indoktrynowal. Mlodych deprawowal. Sial propagande. Podburzal Londyn. Podburzal Szkotow. Podburzal Polakow. Bo to unia to dla nich zla ale dla Szkotow to nie. Dla Polakow pusci material o Wolyniu. Gdzie zli Ukraincy zabijali Polakow. Tak, tak material taki wyemitowano wkrotce przez ustawa o zbrodni wolynskiej!!!!
Oczywiscie wspomnicie moje slowa. Bedzie oplacal partie narodowe. jak to robi w komitecie Trumpa. W komitecie Marienne La Penn oraz chadekow wkorwial materialami o rosyjskiej dziewczyne molestowanej przez uchodzcow w Berlinie!!!
Najsmieszniejsze jest zaputanie. Dlaczego Sputnik nie wylaadowal sie w Londku??? Za duze czynsze!!! Odpowiedzial lider z kosmosu.
Hmm a to nie tak, ze resztki wykletych oligarchow z Belgrovii by zagryzla mlode wilczki???
NSP Pani Premier Nicolo Sturgeon, prosze o rozwage. Prosze o przytomnosc umyslu!
Dla przykladu podaje piekny przyklad. Szefowa jest byla z dupy wyjeta managerka hotelu. Oxana Brazhnik. Bedzie zajmowala sie historia i polityka. Wspolpracowniczka to Johanna Ross lat 30 z Dundee, Nacjonalistka i rusofilka.

IT is the voice of the Kremlin and it is to bellow from Edinburgh's West End.
Sputnik News - a state mouthpiece of Vladimir Putin's increasingly uncompromising Russian regime - has announced it is to open its first British hub in the Scottish capital next year.
The brainchild of the Russian government's propaganda chief, Dmitri Kiselyov, Sputnik says its aim is to challenge what it regards as the news orthodoxies of the "unipolar" American-led world media.
But Russian watchers are deeply sceptical about the new organisation, the latest incarnation of Soviet-era news agency RIA Novosti and Cold War broadcaster Radio Moscow.Sputnik, they believe, is a crude attempt to act as apologist for Kremlin policies on gay rights and Ukraine while cynically encouraging alternative views of Western powers, such as those of some Scottish nationalists.
Its decision to open up shop in Edinburgh rather than London has raised eyebrows. "This is not good news for Scotland," said one person familiar with the way the new agency operates. "Scottish politicians in particular should keep their distance."
Mr Kiselyov is widely seen as the architect of Russia's attempts to spruce up its image abroad, through Sputnik and propaganda channel Russian Today. Although he has denied being a homophobe, he has been strongly linked to anti-gay policies.
During the Crimea crisis of 2014 - which the Kremlin attempted to equate with Scottish independence - Mr Kiselyov boasted that Russia was "the only country in the world capable of turning the USA into radioactive dust".
Sputnik already has an office in Exchange Tower in Canning Street and has started recruiting radio and IT engineers.
Its full editorial team is due to be in place by the end of the year. Mr Kiselyov is eager to have non-Russians fronting the radio, video and digital output of the agency. He said: "The majority of [Sputnik News] content … will be prepared locally, by local journalists, taking into account local discussions and the demands of the local audience."So the agency is expected to recruit locally, as it is doing in its other new hubs around the world including Beijing, Berlin, Paris and Washington DC.
Sputnik News was launched in its current form last November and describes itself as a major new media brand with modern multimedia centres in dozens of countries, which “points the way to a multi-polar world that respects every country’s national interests, culture, history and traditions”.
It says the agency is “uniquely positioned as a provider of alternative news content and a radio broadcaster”.
Broadcasting is entirely geared toward foreign audiences and Sputnik’s editorial boards in major world capitals will maintain their own websites and broadcast from local radio stations.
A spokesman for Sputnik News said: “We plan to start operations in Edinburgh early next year, as soon as our radio studios are ready.
"Sputnik UK editorial team is currently being built and might consist of circa 15 people.
“We already started hiring technical staff - radio and IT engineers, our editorial team will be formed by the end of the year.”
Sputnik websites are available in more than 80 cities and in over 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Turkish, French and Hindi.
Its websites carry a variety of content including infographics, video, photo essays, live video and audio streaming and internet voting.Sputnik also publishes analytical material and exclusive interviews.
Its news wires run round the clock in English, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese and include a wide range of polls.
One of Sputnik’s key straplines is “telling the untold”.
A spokesman for the Consulate General of Russia in Edinburgh said: "It is very good to see Sputnik UK head office being opened in Edinburgh.
"It will make this historic city even more outward looking, broaden the scope of internationally acknowledged media sources available for British and global audience interested in the local as well as world events.
"We wish Sputnik UK team in Edinburgh good luck in leaving no stories untold."
An economy spokesman from the City of Edinburgh Council said: “Edinburgh is the most prosperous UK city outside London and the city’s economy continues to grow.
"Last year Edinburgh was second only to London in the UK for foreign direct investment, and this attracts international businesses to the city.
"The arrival of Sputnik News is yet another example of Edinburgh’s broad international appeal.”

A tu nadaje swietych ludzi i ich swiete praktyki z gwalceniem dzieci.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses organisation is under increasing pressure to address its handling of sexual abuse allegations as it faces legal setbacks, bills of over £1m and a fight to prevent the Charity Commission examining its records of abuse claims.
Last month a judge upheld a ruling against the UK’s leading Jehovah’s Witnesses charity, the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Britain (WTBTS), that the Jehovah’s Witnesses had failed to protect a woman, known in proceedings as A, from sexual abuse starting when she was four years old.
Now the supreme court has rejected a highly unusual attempt by the WTBTS to block a Charity Commission inquiry into how the Jehovah’s Witnesses charity handles allegations of abuse.
The extent of the charity’s challenges and the length of time they have gone on for are unprecedented in recent times, a spokesman for the Charity Commission said.
In A’s case the high court awarded damages and legal fees totalling about £1m against the WTBTS after the organisation attempted to appeal against the judgment three times.
The decision in A’s case sets a precedent that could expose the organisation to further claims. It continues to fight Charity Commission orders to provide documents on sexual abuse allegations, as well as other aspects of the inquiry, in lower courts.
Fay Maxted, chief executive of the Survivors Trust, a national sexual assault charity, said: “These are cases where someone has been sexually violated and had their whole trust in the safety of their religious community blown away.
“It’s deeply disappointing that a faith-based organisation appears to be so determined to try and avoid answering questions about its own behaviour …

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